Head Shot

Sunday, January 10, 2010

So Friday night I went to this club.. Pacha, in New York City. It was the craziest club I've been to. Like 4 floors, girls dancing in shower glass boxes, and people smoking weed all through-out. My kind of club... All kinds of different people in there. It ended up for a kinda good time, I somehow cracked the face of my D&G watch pretty badly so that sucked but it should be fixable. Stayed out till like 7 that morning and slept only until 2 that afternoon. I expected to be asleep all day but for some reason woke up. I just sat around all day and watched the wild card football games. The Cowboys played and dominated the Eagles for a second week in-a-row. Next week they'll play the Vikings, should make for a hell of a game. Today (Sunday) I had a job working Calvin Kleins private dinner party at his apartment. Man, was it nice. Has three stories and the roof, and an amazing view of the Hudson and New Jersey (as amazing a view can get of New Jersey anyway). He was a cool guy though, his daughter apparently is the producer of Saturday Night Live and the TV show 30 Rock.. if only I could meet her! Got tipped well for the night however and the rate is good so for 4 hours of work I made a good number. On a different note, I heard back from Ben (the guy who has a feature film in the works and wanted me to read for a role) and he liked what I did with the audition pieces. He gave me some more direction, however, and asked if I could do it again he'd like to see how I take the direction. So that's what I will do and he'll see that there's no other person for the role. I'd be damn ecstatic if I got this part and it would do a lot for me as far as my acting career goes. Got a casting tomorrow for some guys look book. Not sure how good it go being as how I don't have a book to show but will give him a comp card hopefully that's all needs to see.

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